Areas of Expertise
Diagnosis of a condition or disease is one of the most crucial links in medicine. Well-timed & right diagnosis can mean the difference between early intervention and missed restorative opportunities, between patient admission and discharge, between relief of symptoms and drawn out suffering, and, in the gravest instances, between life and death.
Striving for sustained growth, we have adopted a strategy that encompasses the diagnostic gamut from laboratory diagnostics to point-of-care diagnostics to self-care. Through our continuous efforts, we bring products to market, and educate clinicians and patients on new approaches to diagnosis and monitoring, thereby benefiting everyone.
Better healthcare begins with better diagnosis. Better diagnosis begins with MicroGene.
We, at MicroGene believe that finding superior and quicker ways to achieve accurate diagnosis and monitoring can potentially improve patient management, lead to earlier therapeutic intervention and reduce the costs associated with indecision, benefiting both patients and healthcare providers.